Bayern 1 (1989) |
IS/ID (German) |
Domestic |
Berliner Rundfunk (c.1975) |
IS/ID (German) |
Domestic |
Berliner Rundfunk (c.1987) |
ID (German) [Ralf Ladusch] |
Domestic |
"Ode to Joy" IS/ID (German) [Michael Schnitzer] |
External |
Deutscher Kurzwellensender (1945) |
IS/ID (German) [Uwe Volk] |
External |
IS/ID (German) |
Clandestine |
Deutscher Soldatensender (1970) |
IS/ID (German) |
External |
Deutsche Welle, Cologne (c.1965) |
"Fidelio" IS/ID (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
External |
Deutsche Welle, Antigua (1986) |
"Fidelio" IS/ID (English/German) [Ralf Ladusch] |
External |
Deutsche Welle, Kigali (1980) |
"Fidelio" IS/ID (French/German) [Colin Miller] |
External |
Deutsche Welle, Malta (1979) |
"Fidelio" IS/ID (English) [Rudy van Dalen] |
External |
Deutsche Welle, Portugal (1986) |
"Fidelio" IS/ID (Portuguese/German) [Ralf Ladusch] |
External |
"Ich Hab Mich Ergeben" IS/ID (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Deutschlandfunk - Home Service (c.1998) |
"Ich Hab Mich Ergeben" IS/ID/"Lied der Deutschen" NA (German) |
Domestic |
Deutschlandfunk - Foreign Service (c.1984) |
"Ode to Joy" IS/ID (Dutch) [Arno Bollen] |
External |
"Ich Hab Mich Ergeben" IS/ST/ID (English/French/Italian) [Ralf R. Radermacher] |
External |
Deutschlandfunk - Foreign Service (via Deutsche Welle) (1989) |
DW IS/ST/ID (German/Hungarian/Polish) [Ralf R. Radermacher] |
External |
DeutschlandRadio Berlin (2000) |
ST/ID (German) |
Domestic |
DeutschlandRadio - Kultur (2006) |
ID (German) |
Domestic |
Deutschlandsender (1949) |
ID (German) |
Domestic |
Grossdeutscher Rundfunk (1940) |
IS/ST/ID (German) |
Domestic |
Hessischer Rundfunk (c.1975) |
IS [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Jugendradio DT64 (1992) |
ID (German/English) [Steffens Radioarchiv] |
Domestic |
Norddeutscher Rundfunk - NDR (1956) |
IS/ID (German) |
Domestic |
Norddeutscher Rundfunk - NDR1 (c.1970) |
IS/ID (German) [Stefan Pöschel] |
Domestic |
Norddeutscher Rundfunk - NDR (c.1975) |
IS [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Radio Berlin International (c.1964) |
ST/ID (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
External |
Radio Berlin International (1975) |
IS/"Auferstanden aus Ruinen" NA/ID (English) [Rudy van Dalen] |
External |
Radio Berlin International (final English broadcast - 1990) |
IS/ID (English) [Ian Morrison] |
External |
Radio Bremen (1945) |
IS/ID (English/German) |
Domestic |
Radio Bremen - Hansawelle (1974) |
ST/ID/IS [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Radio DDR-1 (1975) |
ID/"Auferstanden aus Ruinen" NA (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Radio DDR-2 (1975) |
ID (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Radio DDR1/2 (c.1988) |
IS/ID (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Radio Hamburg (1945) |
ID (English/German) [Owen Williamson] |
Domestic |
Radio Munich (1945) |
ID (English/German) |
Domestic |
ID (English) |
External |
Reichssender Berlin (1935) |
IS |
Domestic |
Reichssender Breslau (Wroclaw) (1935) - see POLAND page |
Reichssender Flensburg (1945) |
IS/ID (German) |
Domestic |
Reichssender Frankfurt (1938) |
IS |
Domestic |
Reichssender Hamburg (c.1941) |
IS/ID (English) [Owen Williamson] |
External |
Reichssender Munich (c.1935) |
IS |
Domestic |
RIAS Berlin (c.1948) |
IS/ID (German) |
Domestic |
RIAS-1 (1983) |
ST/ID (German) [Nathan Morley] |
Domestic |
RIAS-2 (1983) |
ST/ID (German) [Nathan Morley] |
Domestic |
Radio Saarbrucken (1950) |
IS |
Domestic |
Saarlandischer Rundfunk (1957) |
IS |
Domestic |
IS/ID (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Sign-off: ID (German) |
Domestic |
IS |
Domestic |
IS/ID (German) |
Domestic |
Sender Freies Berlin (1975) |
IS/ID (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Sendestelle Berlin (1923) |
ID (German) |
Domestic |
Stimme der DDR (1975) |
IS/ID/"Auferstanden aus Ruinen" NA (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Stimme der DDR (1983) |
IS/ID (German) [Takuya Hirayama] Interval Signals Archive |
Domestic |
Suddeutscher Rundfunk - SDR1 (c.1970) |
IS/ID (German) [Stefan Pöschel] |
Domestic |
Suddeutscher Rundfunk - SDR1 (1974) |
IS/ID (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Sudwestfunk - SWF1 (1974) |
IS/ID (German) [Rudy van Dalen] |
Domestic |
Sudwestfunk - SWF2 Tuebingen (1986) |
IS/ID (German) [Gideon Kaltenbacher] |
Domestic |
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (1956) |
IS/ID (German) |
Domestic |
Westdeutscher Rundfunk - WDR2 (c.1970) |
IS/ID (German) [Stefan Pöschel] |
Domestic |
IS/ID (German) |
Domestic |
Westdeutscher Rundfunk - WDR3 (c.1974) |
IS |
Domestic |
IS/ID (German) |
Domestic |
AFN Europe (1950) |
ID (English) |
Domestic |
AFN Europe (1970) |
USA "Star-Spangled Banner" NA/ID/"Yankee Doodle Dandy" IS (English) |
Domestic |
AFN Berlin (1961) |
Sign-on: ID (English) |
Domestic |
AFN Bremerhaven (1991) |
ID (English) |
Domestic |
AFN Heidelberg (2005) |
ID (English) |
Domestic |
AFN Munich (1975) |
ID (English) |
Domestic |
AFN Stuttgart (1989) |
ID (English) |
Domestic |
AFN Stuttgart - "Hot FM" (2005) |
ID (English) |
Domestic |
CAE (Canadian Forces Radio) (1956/1970) |
ID (English) |
Domestic |
Eifeler Radiotage (via Luxembourg) (2019) |
IS/ID (German) |
External |
Radio 60, Nauen (Germany Broadcasting Centenary px) (2024) |
IS/ID (English/German) |
External |
Radioropa 261 (final day) (2000) |
ST/ID (German) |
Domestic |
Radioropa - Berlin (final day) (2008) |
ID (German) |
Domestic |
Radioropa - Eifel (final day) (2008) |
ID (German) |
Domestic |
Radio Volga (1991) |
IS/ID (Russian/German) [Michael Schnitzer] |
Domestic |
Shortwave Radio (2018) |
ID (English) |
External |
Shortwave Service (test transmission via Armenia) (2016) |
IS/ID (German/English) |
External |
Störsender (via Latvia) (2004) |
"Man of Action"/ID (German/English) |
External |